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Flight Control® Max Goose Repellent - Gallon

Product Code: NGMFCM-1
Flight Control® Max Goose Repellent - Gallon : 4837
Flight Control® Max Goose Repellent - Gallon

Flight Control® Max Goose Repellent - Gallon

Product Code: NGMFCM-1

★★★★★ ★★★★★ (5) 7 Reviews Read Reviews


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Product Overview

Flight Control Max is the key to goose management! Flight Control Max is a new formulation that has been developed for turf management and wildlife control professionals as a humane tool to deter geese from congregating in and around golf courses, ponds, office and commercial complexes, athletic fields, recreational facilities, residential areas, and parks. Flight Control Max will not wash off the turf from rain. Unlike other methods of Goose ControlFlight Control Max works 24/7 at repelling geese. No need for loud noise makers, smelly chemicals, or unsightly visual deterrents. Whether you are a commercial or large property manager or a professional applicator offering goose management to your clients, Flight Control Max is the solution to your goose problems!

  • The Goose Repellent Solution for Canada Geeze
  • An ECO-Friendly and 100% Effective Geese Repellent
  • The most affordable and effective method for how to get rid of geese
  • Odor free
  • One gallon treats approx. 2 acres of turf

How Flight Control Max Works

  • Visual Warning - Geese see the new compound on the turf in ultraviolet light marker. Geese see it on the grass and learn not to feed on treated areas. Undetectable by people.
  • Anti-Feedant Warning - Geese experience a strong gut reaction when they eat treated turf
  • Flight Control Max delivers the WARNING and the CONSEQUENCE

Important Information

Product SDS
Product Label

PLEASE NOTE: Flight Control MAX is not registered for use in CA, NY, VT  |  FREE STANDARD SHIPPING

★★★★★ ★★★★★
5/5 Stars out of 7 Reviews
Verified Buyer
Flight Control
Sharon Brockhaus (Indiana) | July 3rd, 2024
Flight Control is working great! The geese are still in the water in front of our property sometimes, but not coming up in the yard anymore! It took a few days of them eating the grass to decide to move on!
Verified Buyer
Geese Gone
William S (Canonsburg PA) | June 18th, 2024
Not much to review. Geese are gone. 10 Stars if I could.
Verified Buyer
It WORKS! No harm to animals!
Tim (Connecticut) | May 15th, 2024
We have been using this product for over 3 years to keep our lawn poop free! We tried everything. Fences, lights, decoys, noise, aggravation, dogs . . . Nothing worked for long. THIS WORKS! geese visit, but don't stay long. Would recommend this product 100% without hesitation. We have our yard back!
Thank you for selling "Flight Control Max".
Caren J Zaft | April 9th, 2024
After picking up ONE POUND OF GOOSE POOP within 8-ft of my patio, I applied the product and the geese did NOT return to my area! Best wishes for continued success!!
F. Nicosia | March 13th, 2024
Happy to share this product worked! No more Geese in the yard.
Blown Away!
Dwight Ausley | June 28th, 2023
I did a lot of research on repellents for Canadian geese. They were making a big mess and pulling up my freshly laid Bermuda sod. They were just making a mess of it! I had heard about Flight repellent. I thought about how expensive it was, but after reading other reviews and looking at other products, I decided to give it a try. I was blown away with how effective it has been! The day after I sprayed it on my lawn, the geese traveled through my yard--what looked liked hundreds. They ate the grass and quickly hurried away. They haven't been back! I am glad I found this product, and I will buy it again.
Verified Buyer
Geese Gone
John | April 12th, 2022
This product is one of the only ways to keep geese off your property. If you follow the instructions and give the geese a chance to learn, it works,
Write Review:
Flight Control® Max Goose Repellent - Gallon

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  • Your email is for verification purposes only and will NOT be published or shared. See our Privacy Policy.

Enter only the red text:  3Ry13160Arq!

One Gallon (128 oz.)
Active Ingredient:
Target Pests:
Canada Goose
EPA Registration:
Not For Sale:

Product Overview

Flight Control Max is the key to goose management! Flight Control Max is a new formulation that has been developed for turf management and wildlife control professionals as a humane tool to deter geese from congregating in and around golf courses, ponds, office and commercial complexes, athletic fields, recreational facilities, residential areas, and parks. Flight Control Max will not wash off the turf from rain. Unlike other methods of Goose ControlFlight Control Max works 24/7 at repelling geese. No need for loud noise makers, smelly chemicals, or unsightly visual deterrents. Whether you are a commercial or large property manager or a professional applicator offering goose management to your clients, Flight Control Max is the solution to your goose problems!

  • The Goose Repellent Solution for Canada Geeze
  • An ECO-Friendly and 100% Effective Geese Repellent
  • The most affordable and effective method for how to get rid of geese
  • Odor free
  • One gallon treats approx. 2 acres of turf

How Flight Control Max Works

  • Visual Warning - Geese see the new compound on the turf in ultraviolet light marker. Geese see it on the grass and learn not to feed on treated areas. Undetectable by people.
  • Anti-Feedant Warning - Geese experience a strong gut reaction when they eat treated turf
  • Flight Control Max delivers the WARNING and the CONSEQUENCE

Important Information

Product SDS
Product Label

PLEASE NOTE: Flight Control MAX is not registered for use in CA, NY, VT  |  FREE STANDARD SHIPPING

Write A Review
★★★★★ ★★★★★
5/5 Stars out of 7 Reviews
Verified Buyer
Flight Control
Sharon Brockhaus (Indiana) | July 3rd, 2024
Flight Control is working great! The geese are still in the water in front of our property sometimes, but not coming up in the yard anymore! It took a few days of them eating the grass to decide to move on!
Verified Buyer
Geese Gone
William S (Canonsburg PA) | June 18th, 2024
Not much to review. Geese are gone. 10 Stars if I could.
Verified Buyer
It WORKS! No harm to animals!
Tim (Connecticut) | May 15th, 2024
We have been using this product for over 3 years to keep our lawn poop free! We tried everything. Fences, lights, decoys, noise, aggravation, dogs . . . Nothing worked for long. THIS WORKS! geese visit, but don't stay long. Would recommend this product 100% without hesitation. We have our yard back!
Thank you for selling "Flight Control Max".
Caren J Zaft | April 9th, 2024
After picking up ONE POUND OF GOOSE POOP within 8-ft of my patio, I applied the product and the geese did NOT return to my area! Best wishes for continued success!!
F. Nicosia | March 13th, 2024
Happy to share this product worked! No more Geese in the yard.
Blown Away!
Dwight Ausley | June 28th, 2023
I did a lot of research on repellents for Canadian geese. They were making a big mess and pulling up my freshly laid Bermuda sod. They were just making a mess of it! I had heard about Flight repellent. I thought about how expensive it was, but after reading other reviews and looking at other products, I decided to give it a try. I was blown away with how effective it has been! The day after I sprayed it on my lawn, the geese traveled through my yard--what looked liked hundreds. They ate the grass and quickly hurried away. They haven't been back! I am glad I found this product, and I will buy it again.
Verified Buyer
Geese Gone
John | April 12th, 2022
This product is one of the only ways to keep geese off your property. If you follow the instructions and give the geese a chance to learn, it works,
Write Review:
Flight Control® Max Goose Repellent - Gallon

To rate, click/tap a star above. 1 star is the worst and 5 gold stars is the best.

  • All fields are required except "where you're from".
  • Your email is for verification purposes only and will NOT be published or shared. See our Privacy Policy.

Enter only the red text:  3Ry13160Arq!

One Gallon (128 oz.)
Active Ingredient:
Target Pests:
Canada Goose
Not For Sale:

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