WCS "Bobcat Special" Expanded Trap Pan specifically made for retrofitting Pro-75 or CDR Traps for bobcat trapping, as seen in Clint Locklear's Cat Collector DVD. The WCS "Bobcat Special" measures 5" wide x 4.5" L and is laser cut from durable 12 gauge steel. Pan Only.
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Adirondax, LLC
.62 lbs. ea. (.28 Kg)
5"W x 4.5"L (12 gauge steel)
WCS "Bobcat Special" Expanded Trap Pan specifically made for retrofitting Pro-75 or CDR Traps for bobcat trapping, as seen in Clint Locklear's Cat Collector DVD. The WCS "Bobcat Special" measures 5" wide x 4.5" L and is laser cut from durable 12 gauge steel. Pan Only.