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Bird Gard Pro Bird Control Unit

Product Code: NWS0033
Bird Gard Pro Bird Control Unit : 2775
Bird Gard Pro Bird Control Unit

Bird Gard Pro Bird Control Unit

Product Code: NWS0033

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The electronic Bird Gard Pro Bird Control Unit is a digital audio device that uses actual bird distress calls recorded on microchips to repel birds. Digital recordings of distressed and alarmed birds, along with the sounds made by their natural predators are broadcast through high fidelity weather-resistant speakers. This triggers a primal fear and flee response. To increase your success in repelling environmental or structural damaging birds, it is advisable to use more than one method or technique, for example couple this audible device with some visual deterrents such as a attack spider, Scare Eye Balloon, or Coyote Decoy. Each unit has 8 different calls. For issues with other wildlife species, please contact us directly for additional sound card options.

Note: Will accept one optional external speaker.

Bird Gard Pro System includes:

  • Protects up to 1 acre
  • Fully programmable
  • Built-in amplifier and speaker
  • Solid state electronics
  • Includes AC power adapter or optional battery cable with clips
  • Weather-resistant enclosure
  • Mounts easily on post or fence with mounting bracket

Choose from the following Sound Cards:

Woodpecker #12A  Northern Flicker, Northern Flicker, Downy Woodpecker, Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker, Acorn Woodpecker, American Kestrel, Cooper's Hawk, Sharp-Shinned Hawk
Marine #2A Laughing Gull, Ring-Billed Gull, Herring Gull, California Gull, Black-Headed Gull, Glaucous-Winged Gull, Double-Crested Cormorant, Northern Harrier

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Bird Gard Pro Bird Control Unit

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Bird Gard
Covers up to 1 acre (.4 ha)

The electronic Bird Gard Pro Bird Control Unit is a digital audio device that uses actual bird distress calls recorded on microchips to repel birds. Digital recordings of distressed and alarmed birds, along with the sounds made by their natural predators are broadcast through high fidelity weather-resistant speakers. This triggers a primal fear and flee response. To increase your success in repelling environmental or structural damaging birds, it is advisable to use more than one method or technique, for example couple this audible device with some visual deterrents such as a attack spider, Scare Eye Balloon, or Coyote Decoy. Each unit has 8 different calls. For issues with other wildlife species, please contact us directly for additional sound card options.

Note: Will accept one optional external speaker.

Bird Gard Pro System includes:

  • Protects up to 1 acre
  • Fully programmable
  • Built-in amplifier and speaker
  • Solid state electronics
  • Includes AC power adapter or optional battery cable with clips
  • Weather-resistant enclosure
  • Mounts easily on post or fence with mounting bracket

Choose from the following Sound Cards:

Woodpecker #12A  Northern Flicker, Northern Flicker, Downy Woodpecker, Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker, Acorn Woodpecker, American Kestrel, Cooper's Hawk, Sharp-Shinned Hawk
Marine #2A Laughing Gull, Ring-Billed Gull, Herring Gull, California Gull, Black-Headed Gull, Glaucous-Winged Gull, Double-Crested Cormorant, Northern Harrier

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Bird Gard Pro Bird Control Unit

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  • Your email is for verification purposes only and will NOT be published or shared. See our Privacy Policy.

Enter only the red text:  3Ry1431465Arq!

Bird Gard
Covers up to 1 acre (.4 ha)

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