Coyote Baits and Lures

Showing 1 - 30 of 107 items
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WCS™ Coyote Urine : 265

WCS™ Coyote Urine

★★★★★ ★★★★★

Prices Starting At $9.25

WCS™ Grey Fox Urine : 4014

WCS™ Grey Fox Urine

Prices Starting At $8.95

WCS™ Red Fox Urine : 266

WCS™ Red Fox Urine

★★★★★ ★★★★★

Prices Starting At $8.50

WCS™ Bobcat Urine : 455

WCS™ Bobcat Urine

★★★★★ ★★★★★

Prices Starting At $12.00

Proline™ Sweet Skunk - Predator Lure : 5140

Proline™ Sweet Skunk - Predator Lure

Prices Starting At $25.00

WCS™ Tonquin Musk (Siberian) : 4089

WCS™ Tonquin Musk (Siberian)

Prices Starting At $18.00

WCS™ Skunk Essence - 100% Pure : 402

WCS™ Skunk Essence - 100% Pure

★★★★★ ★★★★★


WCS™ Beaver Tail Oil : 3280

WCS™ Beaver Tail Oil

★★★★★ ★★★★★

Prices Starting At $7.50

WCS™ Fish Oil - Commercial : 44

WCS™ Fish Oil - Commercial

★★★★★ ★★★★★

Prices Starting At $6.25

WCS™ Asafoetida Powder (from Pure Gum) : 1612

WCS™ Asafoetida Powder (from Pure Gum)

Prices Starting At $7.00

WCS™ Cheese Essence : 34

WCS™ Cheese Essence

Prices Starting At $5.00

WCS™ Tonquin Musk Tincture : 4086

WCS™ Tonquin Musk Tincture

Prices Starting At $5.50

WCS™ Smoked Fish Paste Bait 8 oz. : 3923

WCS™ Smoked Fish Paste Bait 8 oz.

★★★★★ ★★★★★


WCS™ Gator Oil : 3132

WCS™ Gator Oil

★★★★★ ★★★★★

Prices Starting At $6.50

WCS™ Ground Mouse Paste Bait : 3960

WCS™ Ground Mouse Paste Bait

Prices Starting At $12.75

Proline™ Target Canine Curiosity Lure : 4516

Proline™ Target Canine Curiosity Lure

Prices Starting At $14.50

Proline™ Selector COYOTE Gland Lure : 687

Proline™ Selector COYOTE Gland Lure

Prices Starting At $14.50

WCS™ Coyote Glands - Ground, Aged and Preserved : 2706

WCS™ Coyote Glands - Ground, Aged and Preserved

Prices Starting At $7.50

Proline™ Saber Tooth Canine Lure : 693

Proline™ Saber Tooth Canine Lure

Prices Starting At $25.00

Proline™ OutReach Call Lure : 979

Proline™ OutReach Call Lure

Prices Starting At $25.00

Proline™ Cat Rub Lure : 2858

Proline™ Cat Rub Lure

Prices Starting At $14.50

Proline™ Roadrunner Canine Lure : 980

Proline™ Roadrunner Canine Lure

★★★★★ ★★★★★

Prices Starting At $14.50

COLLARUM® Canine Bait (CCB) : 643

COLLARUM® Canine Bait (CCB)

★★★★★ ★★★★★

Prices Starting At $14.50

"The Hammer" Liquid Coyote Lure - 4 oz. : 4209

"The Hammer" Liquid Coyote Lure - 4 oz.

★★★★★ ★★★★★


Dobbins' Canine Select : 102

Dobbins' Canine Select

Prices Starting At $7.50

Dobbins' Mississippi Special - Canine Food Lure : 1602

Dobbins' Mississippi Special - Canine Food Lure

Prices Starting At $7.50

Dobbins' Klondike Call : 1622

Dobbins' Klondike Call

Prices Starting At $7.50

Blaster Bonanza  by Fur Country Lures : 465

Blaster Bonanza by Fur Country Lures


Cross Fire by Fur Country Lures : 959

Cross Fire by Fur Country Lures


Fall Fox by Fur Country Lures : 961

Fall Fox by Fur Country Lures


Showing 1 - 30 of 107 items
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