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Cinch Gopher Trap

Product Code: NWSCT01
Cinch Gopher Trap : 246
Cinch Gopher Trap

Cinch Gopher Trap

Product Code: NWSCT01

★★★★★ ★★★★★ (5) 5 Reviews Read Reviews

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Cinch Gopher traps are made in the USA and are easy to set.   Follow the setting instructions below, then just open the tunnel, slide the Cinch trap in and leave the hole open. The U.S. Forest Service has successfully used these traps for their gopher control eradication programs.

Click here for Product Instructions 

CALIFORNIA CUSTOMERS: The Cinch Mole trap (vs the Gopher sized trap) has been found to be most effective on the sized gophers found in CA.

★★★★★ ★★★★★
5/5 Stars out of 5 Reviews
Verified Buyer
cinch gopher traps
Stuart (Oregon) | August 19th, 2024
I have both gophinator and cinch traps and annually catch 50-80 gophers over 13 acres. Although I've looked at all the video tips on gophinators, consistently I have a greater success rate with cinch - - to the point that I find myself using them exclusively. Also, it's easy to see if the trap is sprung with the cinch traps. And even with the shipping cost, Wildlife Control Supplies was significantly cheaper, on the same traps, than my local farm stores.
Verified Buyer
Pocket gopher Trap
Marv (Nebraska) | November 7th, 2023
I gu ess you call it a cinch mole trap but this is the same trap I used as a kid to trap pocket gophers on the farm.On the first set the gopher filled in the tunnel without tripping the trap. I reset in fresh hole j just du g and I had the pocket gopher by the second day. I give this trap a 5 star rating.
Verified Buyer
Caught on Day 1
Rob McKay | February 8th, 2023
I set the trap per the instructions on these videos:\nhttps://www.youtube (DOT) com/watch?v=LRFSXc9B_d4\nhttps://www.youtube (DOT) com/watch?v=wLKR5bMCqoA \nCaught the gopher on the first day!
Verified Buyer
Cinch Gopher Trap
Rodney O Booth | December 20th, 2021
Finally, a trap that worked. Been dealing with a problem gopher for nearly months that bypassed all prior traps, resisted gas, and never touched poison pills. The cinch trap worked because of the nearly invisible trigger and cinch jaws. Great trap, worth every penny!!
Verified Buyer
Cinch Trap Works :-)
Carl | January 30th, 2020
Received this on Tuesday noon, set trap, watch a movie, check trap, IT WORKED! Wow, best results, poison didn't work.
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Cinch Gopher Trap

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Enter only the red text:  3Ry33356Arq!

.48 lbs. (.21 kg.) ea.
3" Jawspread
Target Pests:
Pocket Gopher

Cinch Gopher traps are made in the USA and are easy to set.   Follow the setting instructions below, then just open the tunnel, slide the Cinch trap in and leave the hole open. The U.S. Forest Service has successfully used these traps for their gopher control eradication programs.

Click here for Product Instructions 

CALIFORNIA CUSTOMERS: The Cinch Mole trap (vs the Gopher sized trap) has been found to be most effective on the sized gophers found in CA.

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★★★★★ ★★★★★
5/5 Stars out of 5 Reviews
Verified Buyer
cinch gopher traps
Stuart (Oregon) | August 19th, 2024
I have both gophinator and cinch traps and annually catch 50-80 gophers over 13 acres. Although I've looked at all the video tips on gophinators, consistently I have a greater success rate with cinch - - to the point that I find myself using them exclusively. Also, it's easy to see if the trap is sprung with the cinch traps. And even with the shipping cost, Wildlife Control Supplies was significantly cheaper, on the same traps, than my local farm stores.
Verified Buyer
Pocket gopher Trap
Marv (Nebraska) | November 7th, 2023
I gu ess you call it a cinch mole trap but this is the same trap I used as a kid to trap pocket gophers on the farm.On the first set the gopher filled in the tunnel without tripping the trap. I reset in fresh hole j just du g and I had the pocket gopher by the second day. I give this trap a 5 star rating.
Verified Buyer
Caught on Day 1
Rob McKay | February 8th, 2023
I set the trap per the instructions on these videos:\nhttps://www.youtube (DOT) com/watch?v=LRFSXc9B_d4\nhttps://www.youtube (DOT) com/watch?v=wLKR5bMCqoA \nCaught the gopher on the first day!
Verified Buyer
Cinch Gopher Trap
Rodney O Booth | December 20th, 2021
Finally, a trap that worked. Been dealing with a problem gopher for nearly months that bypassed all prior traps, resisted gas, and never touched poison pills. The cinch trap worked because of the nearly invisible trigger and cinch jaws. Great trap, worth every penny!!
Verified Buyer
Cinch Trap Works :-)
Carl | January 30th, 2020
Received this on Tuesday noon, set trap, watch a movie, check trap, IT WORKED! Wow, best results, poison didn't work.
Write Review:
Cinch Gopher Trap

To rate, click/tap a star above. 1 star is the worst and 5 gold stars is the best.

  • All fields are required except "where you're from".
  • Your email is for verification purposes only and will NOT be published or shared. See our Privacy Policy.

Enter only the red text:  3Ry33356Arq!

.48 lbs. (.21 kg.) ea.
3" Jawspread
Target Pests:
Pocket Gopher

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